Monday, January 30, 2012

Posting onto Blogger

1.  Open  Then open a new window so you can follow these directions.
2.  Create an account with blogger...follow the link in the invitation email.
3.  Once you are in, click on "Dashboard" in the upper right hand corner.
4.  Click on "New Post"
5.  In the top menu, click on the photo icon.
6.  Click on "Choose files" and find the image you would like to upload.
7.  Click on "Add selected"
8.  Add a short description:

  • Tell us what you were thinking about.  (While making this image, I was thinking about......)  
  • Ask about something you would like feedback on.  (Ex: How do you think I could get this image to look more mysterious?  Do you think I am done and why/why not?)
9.  Click "Publish Post" and then "View Blog"
10.  Look at and comment on someone else's work from our class...try to add comments to work that have no comments first.  

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Comment rules:
1. Constructive criticism and positive remarks encouraging and respectful, yet give feedback.
2. No "I like it" allowed. Be specific. Instead, say something like "This work is effective because..."
3. Remember this website is public and your posts reflect on you and on Marwen. Keep it clean.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.